Work with yourself, not against yourself
Personal Growth | Self Growth | Self Development
It’s mid-October and a good moment to take stock of your progress.
Did other things become more important? Did you maybe forget to start implementing your goal because you feel that maybe it was enough to put it down on paper and never look back?
Let’s pause for a moment. Take a deep breath in, close your eyes, and breathe out. Do it again. And maybe a third time? Notice how your breath is always there, flowing in and out, without you doing anything. This effortless flow that sometimes takes up speed when we are scared or nervous, and then it slows down when we are relaxed or at sleep. It’s beautiful.
Go with the flow
What does all of this have to do with implementing your goals? Well, you also have your own flow and rhythm. It’s important to respect that and to not fight it. You have to work with yourself, not against yourself.
There will be days when you will advance faster than you imagined and then there will be days when you won’t be able to focus on your goal. And that’s ok.
The destination vs the journey
Along the way you will realise that working on a goal is all about the journey. You will learn so much about yourself, experience all kinds of emotions and who knows, your goal also might change along the way.
You simply keep going and when you feel like you need to stop, you can do that, too. Whatever you do, though, don’t forget to reflect on your actions. If you decide to stop, ask yourself why you want to stop. Is it because you are exhausted, because your priorities changed, or because you are afraid of what will happen when you actually reach your destination?
And now, go off and enjoy the ride. You can do it!