On my mind
Welcome “On my mind”, where I share my thoughts, experiences and reflections related to my personal growth journey. Be ready for a mix of deep thoughts, personal stories and powerful questions.
What are women most afraid of?
What are women most afraid of? Fear can be a driver, fear can be a long-time companion, and fear can also be an obstacle between you and your next step. Be it in your career or your private life, you’ll come across it all the time.
4 Tips To Be More Mindful At Work
It’s impossible to change the past and we can’t predict the future. And this is exactly where mindfulness starts. Mindfulness is about focusing on the present moment and what is happening in the now, instead of worrying about tomorrow and living in the past.
How To Live A Self-Determined Life With Intention
How to live a self determined life. Living a self-determined life doesn't mean that you have to quit your job or move countries or make any other radical changes, it's all about the small steps. It's almost like building a new habit where you break up the big change you would like to achieve in micro steps.
10 minutes exercise to overcome your limiting beliefs
Let me help you overcome your limiting beliefs! You can do this exercise with all kinds of limiting beliefs and all you need is a pen and paper, and a 10 minute time slot. Let’s go!
My self-development journey - a never ending story
Sharing more about my personal journey of self-development in this first blog post of the year. May it inspire you, may it make you reflect and may the reading be worth your time.
Rest & Reflect: Harness the power of reflecting
Welcome to my mental download on the topic of reflections! You will learn more about the term mental download later (what a suspense, right?).